Anatomy scannnn!


Had my anatomy scan today and I have been TEAM GREEN and hubby wants to know obviously but I do not untill birth.

At my appointment I was there for an hour and she couldn’t get baby to move the legs he/she was is such a tight ball and she couldn’t get it at any angel that she tried for an hour...she got baby to flip but then baby balled up immediately again so she went to go schedule me another appointment and she came back in and suggested try vaginal.... then the baby turned head down 😂 and she kept moving and twisting and turning and finally got the shot.!

I had her put it in a sealed envelope Incase I change my mind between now and birth but the picture I am posting is abdominal scan not vaginal and it was after she got baby to flip .

My family keeps teasing me saying it’s a girl bc u can’t see any boy parts.. it’s annoying but I know good well that if those legs are closed you can’t see regardless and u sure as heck can’t see through the bones lmao.

Opinions and thoughts?! Because they are making me second guess my intelligence 😂