Extreme low back/ pelvic pain

Charlotte • Wife 💍 stepmom 👸 pibble mom 🐶🐶🐶 Kendal Grace Jan. 2019 👣🍼

I am almost 14 weeks along now. I'm not diagnosed with sciatica but the pain I'm feeling sure feels like it! I have had low back pain for a few years now, sometimes get massages, and used to go to the gym at least twice a week for yoga and weight training and I always walk my dogs twice a day.

I got a massage on Friday because my back pain was worse and she massaged my glutes and low back and it was amazing! I have only stretched 2 times since then. Today, I can't bend over without my right SI joint burning and feeling extremely sore. Obviously I can't get xrays right now but I see my OB on the 6th.

Do you ladies have any remedies? I just got hired at a hospital which will require long hours on my feet and bending/ lifting. I'm really nervous about this, especially later on in pregnancy. Advice?