Swapping OB's mid pregnancy


Has anyone ever swapped and why? Did it make things better or worse? I am trying not to be whiney but I hate my obs office. They do not know you by name. There are like 5 docs they bounce you in between. If you pass one in the hall you've seen 10 times, you dont even get a hello. I literally feel like just a number. They ask every time about why am I on so and so meds, they forget or can't bother to look at chart. I have been told I probably should be high risk because of health issues, but they haven't went through with it yet. The nurse designated to answer calls, is always so rude and never really gives good answers or advice. They usually refer my questions or problems to one of my other specialist when the other specialist has clearly said before that the ob should be able to take over or make some decisions. I am 25 weeks and really debating on changing but scared it'll be more difficult then what it is now. Any advice or experience?