Can somebody explain late ovulation to me?


This might sound stupid, but what exactly does it mean if “you must have ovulated later than you thought” in terms of calculating how far along you are and just how does later ovulation play into getting pregnant?

I’m asking because I miscarried on June 3rd. I never got a period and tested hcg on june 30th and it was 5. Tested three days later and it went to 40 so doctor had no worries and I’ve gone the last several weeks with full on symptoms and no issues. I had an ultrasound yesterday at what we said was 7+1 (calculating that based off the start of my last miscarriage in june 3rd). Unfortunately, there was only an empty sack measuring around 5 and half weeks......

The dr sent me for blood work and expected it to be in the low 100s and basically felt I was having my fifth miscarriage. Well he called a few hours later and hcg was in the 3000s! He said was he was baffled and I’m retesting tomorrow for blood. He’s a pretty straight forward guy and he didn’t get my hopes up, but said he wasn’t sure what’s going on. He said maybe my levels were really high and are just slowly coming down? Or maybe I miscarried and fell pregnant again? (That made no sense to me....)

However the ultrasound tech said maybe I ovulated later than normal because of the miscarriage and am just not as far along as we thought? This is where my question comes in. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? If I ovulated later, would I still have had the early hcg at the level 5 in june 30th? Hasn’t it been too long since that first blood draw to not be showing a baby? Since dr is direct, he didn’t say that I’m for sure NOT pregnant after he got that blood work back......

I’m so confused, and sick to my stomach. I knew right away the sack was empty Yesterday and tears were creeping out the side of my eyes as I laid there while she searched for a heartbeat. I totally broke down after we talked to the doctor. Then for the blood to come back so high????

I hate that I have a glimmer of hope that tomorrow will show a higher level- and I just don’t understand the whole ovulating later and how that affects things. I feel like we didn’t have sex enough for me to have gotten pregnant two weeks later than I thought and wouldnt have had the first hcg level show up.... I’m sick to my stomach because my head says tomorrow will confirm another loss- but my heart wants to cling to hope that SOMEHOW I’m not as far along as we originally thought- but still not sure how that’s possible or how that works? I know miscarriages can screw things up- but I don’t know how I’m supposed to be feeling right now. :(


Went to what was supposed to be my final ultrasound and then meeting to schedule a d and c. Well the dr that did the ultrasound thinks it looks like a normal 5 week pregnancy to him...

My dr doesn’t think it’s going to be viable but isn’t comfortable ending it yet so he’s keeping me on the progesterone for another week and a half and then I’ll have another ultrasound. He said there’s a tiny chance I lost the first pregnancy but fell pregnant again right away and this is a new baby. Yet again-no clear answer.