5 weeks, 4 days. slow rising HCG/brown spotting

I had a miscarriage back in August of 2017 and recently got pregnant again. I have some preg symptoms sore breast, tiredness. My first HCG with my family doctor to confirm my pregnancy was 2.5 weeks ago(12th of July) and was 5702. Last Friday I started spotting brown blood, very little, with no cramping. My OBGYN asked me to go to the ER for a baby well check as the office was closed. I went to the ER last Friday(July 20)and they performed a vaginal ultrasound and confirmed I'm appox 5 weeks preg and they could see the sac & yolk but no fetal pole. ER doc said it can be normal, as I'm still really early. My HCG was 11,000 and said everything looked okay and brown spotting usually means old blood. I follow up with my ObGYn yesterday July 23rd and she requested me to get another HCG level and it came back today at 13700. She said she is concerned bc my HCG levels aren't doubling and she's concerned of an etoptic pregnancy (even though the ER stated baby was in uterus) and she's concerned of miscarriage or other issues. She said the baby could be fine but she is seeing me,this Thursday the 26th to do an ultrasound to check. Anyone ever have this issue? Nervous wreck I'll miscarry again. Thanks.