Marijuana use first trimester ?

Before anyone says anything rude and accuses me of things I HAVENT SMOKED. And I do not want comments from people telling me not to. I want people who smoked during their pregnancy only please.

But before pregnancy I was a heavy smoker. Smoked all day every day. Before I found out I was pregnant I kept smoking too. So technically the first couple weeks I was smoking non stop. I started taking nature made prenatals tonight. Which help baby’s brain development which is “apparently” what marijuana has a negative effect on. If you smoked during your pregnancy how did it go? And are you currently smoking during pregnancy? I’m scared to ask my doctor about it. She’s very by the book and will probably say no.

I just need it for nausea and stress. I have a very hard time eating every day and I easily get very stressed considering I had a miscarriage last pregnancy which by the way I didn’t smoke for.

Again , I don’t need any negative comments. I just want to know how everyone’s babies that smoked turned out , and who’s still smoking. Please any responses are appreciated. Thank you ladies.

Also if you smoked, how often? And for what trimesters? And when did you stop if you did at all?

EDIT: I’m not commenting back to comments as I’m worried to show my face. As well as my pregnancy is still a secret. But I wanted to add that I live in Florida. Only medical marijuana is legal here. I’m already over the moon and in love with this baby but I do have a history of stomach problems. I’ve battled bad nausea for years and pregnancy hasn’t made it any better. I’m so on the fence because this baby is more important to me. But I have to keep myself healthy as well. It’s a hard adjustment.