baby mekas entrance june 1st


So here I am telling you about how my lovely daughter came into this world.

I had a obgyn appointment and I went to it and I was 37weeks pregnant and it was May31 (my actual due date is june 18) and well I was 1cm the last time I went to the obgyn and now this time I was 2cm and my dr. said that we are going to induce you today since she isnt growing anymore.

So I told my bf that we are going to have her either today or tomorrow but we are going in to be induced at 8pm. So we get there and got registered and settled into our room. Around 9pm or 10pm the nurse put in something to start the induction and around 430am june 1st and my water broke due to how frequent my contractions were and now things were getting intense now, I have been contracting like crazy now and it was getting worse and worse each contraction I had. So then I told the nurse that i wanted to get the epidural now (I was 4cm dialated when i asked) so now I am here in pain my contractions were not lighting up and worse now that I had the urge to push! So now i am pushing and theyre telling me not to push to just breathe and take it easy but I didnt listen to them so i was still pushing and now the nurse checked me and i had jump to 8cm and still pushing so now theyre telling to stop pushing or im going to damage my cervix but I still was pushing and BOOM my meka had made her entrance ino the world at 614am june 1st . She was also my nurse 1st time delivery too. oh and when she came out my bf missed it cause he was panicking looking for te doctor and he was out the door for like 5 seconds and came back in qnd meka was out lol , and when meka came out both the anesthesiologist and dr. both came in and the anesthesiologist was like welp guess yall dont need me anymore lol. So i had my daughter without the help of the epidural and to be honest her coming out did not hurt one bit all i felt was just the pressure was all. and this is the story of mekhala nebula's birth.

now she is a month and a half and is the love of my life and just makes everyday amazing