Getting a bunny! πŸ°πŸ’•

chloe β€’ Hi! ☺️

So in early August I'm going to be getting my first bunny as a pet! I'm so excited! I've been wanting a bunny for about 3-4 years now and I can't believe its finally happening all in a matter of a few weeks. The rabbit I'm getting is a Holland Lop. She's 8 weeks old and is super cute! I'll post a picture of what she looks like below.

Anyways, I have a few questions since this is going to be my first rabbit. Should I get her fixed/spayed? Also what should I put in the cage as the rabbit's flooring.. I'm not sure if putting a towel down is a good option and then adding something on top of it.. It'd be nice to know what you all put down in your bun's cage. Any advice would be great actually so I can be fully prepared when my rabbit is settled in at my home (I've researched a lot but hearing from others is always great and would be appreciated 😊)

This is what she looks like 😍



Guysss I got my bunny! She's so adorable! Shes sorta squirmy when I pick her up and shes been a bit nervous but overall she seems super happy in the cage. She runs all around the cage and jumps on the ramp its so cute! She hides a lot in the little hideout space under the ramp. She's a lot more active at night too (which is a little disruptive when I'm sleeping but not that bad and I don't mind). πŸ’• Any advice for how to adjust your bunny to being held/handeled? Also, what do you do if they start to get squirmy?