4days late .. ..


My period was due Friday, it hasn’t shown up. Been taking hpt and all are negative. The only symptom I have is super full feeling breast. They’re like a cup bigger and they are very rounded. I love them lol but no other symptom.

I know for sure I ovulated on the 11/12th due to monitoring from my specialist. I ovulated on cd 22 when I usually ovulate on cd 13. This cycle is soo not normal first time ever to be more then 1 day late and first time in almost 2 years I don’t ovulate on cd 12-14.

Technically today I’m 12dpo due to late ovulation.

So can a late ovulation cause a later period?

If I’m pregnant enough to be late &sore; boobs shouldn’t I be pregnant enough to get a positive test?

I have an appointment with my fertility specialist this Thursday. Should I request a blood test if AF doesn’t show by then?

Any experiences ?