Ramzi theory?

Nicole • Married to my high school sweet heart (08•17•13) of almost 13 years. I gave birth to our sweet rainbow Baby Cade David on 11•30•16 and we are currently trying for baby #2 ♥️

By menstrual cycle I am 7w 1d, by ultrasound I and 8w 1d so it’s between the 2 😂 this says 8w 1d bc they were going off the 1st day of my LMP! I asked ultrasound tech which side placenta was on and she said it’s too early to tell 😬 any ideas? This is just for fun, I am so happy and Thankful to get to experience this and be a Mama for a 2nd time, it doesn’t matter, as long as baby is healthy! This was a transvaginal ultrasound ☺️