Early Labor/Delivery?


Update #2

I am a little late on this but baby girl did end up coming early! She was born on August 6th at 37 weeks, 1 day and weighed in at 5 pounds 15 ounces. She is 11 weeks now and growing like crazy. Just wanted to post an update. 😊


First of all, I appreciate everyone’s feedback on this so far! :) Just thought I would give an update on my situation in case someone else experiences something similar. The day after my doctors appointment (Thursday) I lost my mucus plug first thing in the morning. By late afternoon I started having what felt like contractions so I started timing them. After 3 hours of consistent contractions less than 5 minutes apart, I decided to go to the hospital to get checked out. They determined upon arrival that I was dehydrated and thought that could have been the cause for contractions since I am still early. They started me on IV fluids and gave me a shot of something to try and stop the contractions, but noted that it would really only work if I was experiencing false labor. After a couple hours of receiving fluids and being monitored, The nurses checked me and I had dilated to a 2, and was 80% effaced which was a change from the day before. Contractions started to pick up and I continued to progress overnight so they admitted me to L&D; early Friday morning and also administered a steroid shot since they anticipated an early delivery. Progression was slow on Friday but contractions were regular all day and a second steroid injection was administered for baby’s lung development. By early morning Saturday, I had progressed to 5cm, 80% effaced, and 0 station (baby was low)...uterus was midline. Bag of water was also bulging. I decided to try and get some rest as I was able to and contractions eventually started spreading out and weren’t as consistent. This continued all day and by afternoon, the only progress I had made was that my uterus had moved to the anterior position but no further dilation or effacement. The hospital would not induce since I was only 35 weeks, 6 days. They gave me the option to continue monitoring for a few more days in case the contractions picked back up but my husband and I decided to go home and wait it out since that is really what we would be doing at the hospital anyways. I am officially 36 weeks today and feel like this baby will be making her appearance sooner than later but I know every day she stays inside counts. We will see what happens next and how much longer she lasts, but I just wanted to share my story so far. To be continued... :)

Original Post:

This will be my first baby and I am currently 35 weeks, 3 days. I had a doctors appointment today (Wednesday) and got my first cervical check. She said I have dilated to a 1 1/2, 50% effaced, soft cervix, and -1. The doctor guesses I will have my baby in 2 weeks or less. Anyone else progress this far by 36 weeks and have your baby shortly after? Just trying to get an idea of how quickly (or slowly) labor may be at this point. Any advice or input would be appreciated! :)