Husband on vacation while I am 33 weeks pregnant.

Hi ladies,

My husband just left for a 2.5 week vacation to Europe, while I am 33+ weeks pregnant. I can’t help but to feel betrayed and hurt. I don’t know if I should blame the hormones or if I have a legit reason to be upset. Last year he was unable to travel and I stayed behind the whole summer, knowing I would never travel without him. But this year, knowing fully well how far along I will be, he did not hesitate to book a vacation for himself. He’s traveling for a christening and wedding, but I feel like its not a good enough reason to leave your wife in her third trimester for 2.5 weeks. I told him how disappointed I was that I can’t go, but if this is what he feels he has to do I will support him. His response was that a break will be good for us, it’ll make us miss each other more. My only though were ‘are you serious!!’ This made me and our baby feel like a burden and absolutely unimportant, and more importantly like he was not prioritizing his family over his wants. As the days drew closer I again told him how I felt, that I’m disappointed, and sad I cant go, but he took that as if I was making him feels guilty. Which wasnt my intent. Just a few days prior to his departure, i think he began feeling guilty as he started saying it wont be any fun without me, that he hopes it’ll fly by. That he’ll miss me. Call me ever day. Etc. but now hes gone and here I am by myslef for the next 2.5 weeks and just cant help but to cry and be upset. So far no phone calls today and I am just beyond hurt. Idk who to talk to. Clearly not him. I dont want to stress the baby but Idk how to deal with my emotions. I feel like I wont get over this easily. what do I do!!? 😢😢😢