Anyone's tastes changing?

Amanda • SAHM 👶 Avid Traveler✈️ Expat 🇭🇰

I have ALWAYS been on Team Cilantro. Put it on my salads, my tacos - everything I can! This past weekend my husband made yummy tacos with homemade tortillas and of course, piled high with cilantro. IT TASTED TERRIBLE. I guess I finally have sympathy for those who say it tastes like soap... 😂

I also went to my favorite dim sum place and ordered the delicious soup dumplings. THEY WERE AWFUL and I ended up getting sick. My husband thinks I'm nuts.

Any of you ladies feel like things are tasting differently? Not necessarily food aversions (although I have that too), but like things just don't taste the same. 😭

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My nausea is so bad. I have zero appetite. Everything tastes amplified times 100. So even stuff I normally like just repulses me 😞 I’ve been eating super plain things like anything with potato in it, rice, or bread.


Amanda • Jul 31, 2018
I feel ya girl, this past week has been exceptionally rough.


Posted at
Mee! I used to put garlic on almost everything I cooked... I can't even smell it 😭