
I can’t fucking stand my SO anymore. Am 36 weeks pregnant and I haven’t received any moral or emotional support from him. We have been fighting throughout the whole pregnancy. I’ve been very emotional and over the place and i haven’t been able to like him at all but I deserve some kind of support since we made this decision together. I feel like he doesn’t care about my baby’s health or mine. He only cares when he wants to and is very disappointing because I had to get pregnant to find out his true colors. He is disrespectful and rude. Everything I say or do bothers him and am done. I wish I could move out right now but am not working because HE MADE ME QUIT MY JOB and now I feel like am too much for him when I don’t even ask him for anything. This relationship is over because am not forgiving any of this. He tells me he is tired, well I am too. Am the one carrying a baby for God’s sake. You only have to work. He is so immature and not once he has put himself in my shoes. We are always arguing and cursing each other out and honestly I don’t want to do this anymore. Is emotionally draining. I try to help around the house as much as I can and be there for him but he is so ungrateful. I told him that we can separate. I no longer care if he leaves. I would never take his son away from him. I told him we can get an attorney since we are not married so we can get some advice. I can stay with my sister until am back on my feet and then when baby is born we can go to court. But he won’t listen. He says he won’t leave because of his son but this is draining. I don’t want to do this anymore. Am tired and this is hurting me. I have been depressed all along and my doctor won’t put me on meds because of the baby. He hasn’t supported me at all. I just wish I could change this 😢😢😢😢 I just want peace and to be happy with my baby.