Ear infection

So I wear hearing aids in both ears. I haven’t had an ear infection since I was a kid. Tuesday I woke up with a massive raging ear infection. I got in to see the NP that afternoon and she prescribed me Amoxicillin and Tylenol to relieve inflammation. Here it is Thursday and I’m ready to die. I called and told her my ear was draining green fluid now and not getting any better. She called in a prescription of amoxicillin with another antibiotic mixed in with it. This does not take the pain away. I am in tears and feel this would put anyone in fetal position. It feels like someone is stabbing my ear drum with an ice pick. I haven’t spiked a fever yet but have run low 99’s. Does anyone know if there is a REAL pain killer/anesthetic they could give me if I went to the ER?