Gender disappointment,anxiety and depression

I have wanted another daughter for years.Actually,I have always wanted 2 girls,and 2 boys.We were told this new baby is male.I lost interest in the ultrasound as soon as she as the tech said that.I don't want to look at the pictures 2 or 4D.I have no preference on a name or crib bedding.I wasnt feeling connected to this baby prior.I told my husband a month or so ago,I was having some problems.I don't feel pregnant,had I not seen the ultrasounds,the positive pregnancy test,the blood test results,I would not know I was pregnant.I have lost 10.7 pounds.I wish I was half excited as my husband and kids.Hubby says it'll be okay,he says I need to let go.I can't even refer to the baby with male pronouns.I keep saying "it" and it's not intentional.I contemplated adoption,but husband is adamant that is not an option.He loves it, and says all my fears are unfounded.I fear this child will come between us,I fear it will be like his other sons,mean,manipulative,hateful,spiteful boys.I fear my in-laws will ignore this child they way they ignore my children my husband has chosen to adopt.Mother in law has decided to pick up stepsons for a visit of her own,and didn't mention it,since my hubby's ex couldn't be bothered to adjust the schedule and my hubby didnt want to have his sons torture my children and I again.My stepsons told their father,before hubby made his decision, that they didnt want to visit this year.2 nights ago oldest made several mean remarks and manipulative comments about how excited he was to go see MIL and SIL.I can't deal with all this stress...this is not what hubby and I planned. We planned to have a daughter,we had a name picked,a nursery theme,we prayed for our daughter....