I hate the way I look.


For years I was put down by someone who was supposed to bring me up, my father. When I got pregnant with my first son I weighed 125lbs, when he was born I was 165lbs. After having my son who weighed 7lbs12ozs I dropped down to 145. I had gone out clothes shopping

and bought myself something cute and comfy seeing as I had just had a C-section. I was showing it to my dad and he looked at me and told me I would be prettier if I was skinnier. Mind you ladies, he said the same thing to my mom 6 months after I was born(they divorced when I was 4). I am now 203lbs and I hate my body. I have for years thanks to my father and his degrading comments. My SO always tells me I'm beautiful and amazing and perfect the way I am. I just don't see it.