Lost my virginity and started hating the guy?

So I lost my virginity to an ex boyfriend. We waited 6 months to have sex and when we did I was expecting to be attached to him. Everyone and everything I’ve read on here says “you’ll get attached” “you’ll never forget him” but after we had sex I couldn’t stand him. I broke up with him 2-3 months later, I just couldn’t take it anymore. It’s like he was the one that attached not me. My mom questioned me when I broke up with him because she knew we were having sex and she asked me if I really loved him but I guess after sex I realized I didn’t. With my current boyfriend I’m attached and I he is too. I just found it weird that I got attached the second time not the first. Has that happens to anyone else? I’m just really confused after reading posts about how people get so attached after they lose their virginity