ultrasound 4 weeks 5 days positive thoughts


hey y'all I went in for a first ob when I was 4 weeks 5 days I figured id just pee in a cup confirm pregnancy and get prenatals. well when I got there the doctor did a pelvic exam and a ultrasound and only saw the thickening of my endometrium and said she was concerned she didnt see anything in my uterus. I said I was worried and she pretty much said well I wont tell you to not worry. so I cried my whole ride home. I'm supposed To go back in a few days for another ultra sound. so after googling I find out that this doc office has horrific reviews. so I'm trying to clear my mind chalk it up to a horrible doctor with horrible bedside manner and find myself a nice ob. and wait until I'm 8-10 weeks to go in. I guess I just wanted to hear some good news if anyone didn't see a sac at 4 weeks and then did later on to help ease my mind. I'm so annoyed im only 5 weeks now and have these insane worries I wouldnt have had if I didnt go in so early.