My Heart Is Broken...

It’s broken into pieces. I fought with my bf and he blocked me on Twitter. I looked with another profile the next day and he had retweeted “ever realize something was a mistake but it was too late?” And commented, “yes my last relationship”. And then retweeted something else sayin “God always puts the right people in your life at the right time” so I guess we’re broken up and he also met someone else all in one day and he hasn’t even done me the solid of telling me that we’re done.

All this is going on while I’m being evacuated from my home for the massive Carr fire in Nor Cal. The fight was over him not seeming to care enough because again on Twitter he retweeted some girl’s haircut pic with “😈😈😈” emoji instead of being a little more conservative and concerned when I’m going through something like this.

I’m so torn apart. Maybe I shoulda not made a big deal about the original post but my nerves are shot I needed him to stand by my side during this time.