Still spotting vent


Ugh! I am 5w tomorrow. Last week I had a negative pregnancy urine test on Tuesday (3w 2d) but by this Monday (4w 1d) my HCG was almost 900 and Wed (4w 3d) over 2000. So I know my hcg is looking great. But I have been spotting since last Tuesday (3w 2d)! The first 4 or so days it was pink to bright red but it's been brown ever since, very light- not really enough to even spot on a pad. just a little spot most of the time when I use the restroom. I tested negative for vaginal infections Monday and Dr said my cervix is closed and no active bleeding. I'm on pelvic rest due to the spotting. Any way this is getting old, i lost a pregnancy at 7w in May and it's so hard to have faith this one will continue. Ok, just venting!