Spotting I am 11 weeks 6 days


So I am 11w3d today. Around 11:00am today I was doing laundry and felt discharge. Well I went to the bathroom and found out I was bleeding. I am so nervous/scared/upset all at once right now. The blood is a pink and there is no clotting. Also I am not cramping. Just feels like the normal Streatching feeling I have had all throughout pregnancy. I had a miscarriage like almost to the day three years ago and so far this does not feel the same. With that I had very bad cramps, that was actually the first sign. Idk I called my doctor and she said I am having a threatened miscarriage. If I start bleeding more and cramping then to call back immediately. What can anyone tell me? What do u think? I also was supposed to go to a family party today but decided to stay home and sent my husband along with my son so I can really relax and not stress.

*update I am still bleeding lightly and still no cramping or pain. Goes from pink to brown in color. If I am still bleeding tomorrow I am pushing up my Thursday appointment


It is Monday morning now and I am still spotting lightly. Still no cramping and no passing of clots. I spoke with my doctor this morning and he said to wait for my appointment on Thursday, not to be worried. That it is very common in early pregnancy to bleed. H said if I want to ease my mind I can call n make n appointment for a ultrasound. I am so confused. My insurance sucks and I am already scheduled to have an ultrasound on Thursday. Maybe I will call and see if they can move the Thursday appointment up cause I can’t afford two ultrasound. What y’all think?