Feeling I look more fat than pregnant 😣


So this is my first pregnancy, and I am currently 20 weeks. I have always, always, always struggled with self esteem & body issues and while yes, I do realize my body will (is) go through many different changes, I am still struggling with how I look. I honestly just feel like I look fat, not pregnant. A girl I know who is a month behind me has a more definite round bump showing, where as I feel like I barely have anything. I know this may seem pathetic to some people, but I honestly have anxiety over this. Please don’t bash me for feeling this way; I just needed to vent to someone other than my husband whose only answer to me is “well, you’re pregnant.”

This is in April when I found out I was pregnant (ft. my adorable nephew 💙)

And this is today, out on the beach at 20 weeks.