Lab work in


so my first pregnancy ended at 33 weeks HELLP syndrome she lived we almost didn't two pregnancies after that ended in a miscarriage and now I'm pregnant again almost 7 weeks along ultrasound again at 9 weeks they think I'm earlier than that but it's undetermined until that next ultrasound my lab work came in my liver enzymes are elevated which means I could go through HELLP syndrome all over again but because it's early on the risk it or even higher meaning me and the child could die or the child could be stillborn and I'm stuck in my head and my so doesn't want to talk about it I think for fear of losing his first child however I don't think he understands that I feared losing my third. He's very agitated with me that upset want to lie in bed but that's also because I'm sick and hurting all the time best thing I can do is to eat healthy and bed rest when I can but also exercise all the same time I have to be a mother to a two year old and a housewife I feel like I'm losing my mind I'm stressing over it which isn't good for the baby my emotions are heightened I'm on 400 mg of progesterone a my doctor says the only thing we can do is wait and see well I'm also going to change doctors to someone who specializes in a more abnormal pregnancy I'm just at a loss and not quite sure what to do I'm not sure how to move forward and I'm not sure how to get over it I feel my depression kicking in and yet there's nothing I can do but sitting here.