Round Ligament Pain when baby moves


I am 24 weeks and currently experiencing what I think could be a perfect storm. A couple of days ago I started to get a dull achy pain on my left side along my hip bone. Luckily I had a chiropractor appointed and he adjusted my neck, back and hips. Later that night, the pain had turned in to a sharp, stabby pain that starts slowly, and radiates outward. It only lasts about a minute, but then comes back the same way 5-10 minutes later. This has been going on for almost 24 hours, and the time between aches varies.

I started putting two and two together, and I think the pain also comes when the baby nestles on that side, which of course, had been his favorite side. He also sits pretty low and is very active. To top it off, I have two fibroids, one on each side of my uterus (5cm and 7cm) which may be coming in to play. 😫

Has anyone else dealt with RLP with fibroids or RLP with baby movement? I am debating whether this is cause for an ER visit, but this is my first pregnancy and everyone describes RLP differently than I think I'm experiencing. It doesn't feel like contractions, as I was just in the ER 3 weeks ago due to dehydration and contractions (baby was fine, was just super hot and needed an IV of fluids).