Am I crazy for reacting this way? Long post !


I had a gender reveal yesterday and obviously the mother or father would want to be the first to post about it, right? Well before the excitement could settle down someone already posted the pictures and tagged my SO in them and his sister went live on fb. My friend told his sister twice she doesn’t need to do that without asking me first and I had to ask his friend multiple time to take it down. My dad actually had to get involved because he wouldn’t. I’m a private person and have an ex who is a crazy stalker, I can’t post my location, the city I live, where I work or anything like that. What if I didn’t want certain info on there? Anyways I politely asked his sister to take it down. I ended up messaging her just so she wouldn’t know I was being rude and she said I was out of hand. I never once yelled but I told her it wasn’t her place to announce our babies gender on Facebook before we even got the chance to do so. I’ve had problems with his family posting the videos from me having ultrasounds. On the screen you can see what dr I’m at my full name, everything. But my point is, was I wrong for acting that way ? Everybody on my family was on my side but obviously his side didn’t agree with me. I guess I should have made an announcement not to post anything yet. That was just common sense to me though 💁🏻‍♀️they also made a face and said ewww when I announced the name. When I have my baby I do not want pictures or any info about him all over Facebook. Idk how they will react to that. I hate seeing when people post a picture of their baby with all their info on it. I mean I get their excited but anybody in the world can now have access to that ? Idk I guess knowing how crazy people can be has my guard up. Also any suggestions on how to tell people not to post about it will help too.