9 weeks + 4 Cramps

Hello Ladies!!

This is my 4th pregnancy (rainbow baby)

I’ve finally made it passed 6 weeks I’m now 9 weeks + 4 but these past few days I’ve been having mild - moderate cramps in my lower abdomen / pelvis, I have a lot of discharge (sorry tmi) and just generally feeling unwell! However I’m still very light headed, nauseated, fatigue & still have my heart burn and my not so tingling breasts anymore.

I first got my faint positive when I was around 7 and a half weeks, my hcg levels were very low as I have hormone imbalance.

I have an appointment with my midwife tomorrow afternoon (UK) but I’m just wanting to put my mind at ease, has anyone else had this but went on to have a healthy pregnancy?! Please leave a comment on what you’re pregnancy was like please.