Contraction Confusion


So...I went to the hospital Friday night (it’s now Sunday morning) because I was having regular contractions about 7 minutes apart. They weren’t crazy strong, but they felt pretty regular. At the hospital, I was hardly dilated at all. The contractions were irregular until the last 40 minutes. Walking spaced them back out and they sent me home until they were strong and in the 3-5 minute range for over an hour.

I had contractions pretty much all day Saturday. They ranged in severity and time, so I just kept track and went about my day. I did a little cleaning and walking. They would stop for maybe an hour and then get going again. Last night, they started getting stronger and a little more regular, but nothing like what the nurse described. I went to sleep and slept through the night.

Now, it’s Sunday morning. I’ve had a couple mild to moderate contractions. And I just don’t know how much longer this can go on and I’m so frustrated. Did anyone else go through this??