I need a real opinion


Okay, I've been seeing this man for 2 years, at first he had a son and a daughter both 11 months apart both 2.🤦🏻‍♀️ I myself have 2 daughters 5 and 2. Well the sons mother placed him on child support and the DNA came back not his, so now technically he only has the son I'm currently pregnant with due in October....ironically the mother of his daughter did the same thing, before having their daughter she had a little boy and played it like it was his until he swabbed the little boy and it came back not his. So he's been done twice this way in a row with 2 different women. Sad but some women just ain't crap. Well....my thing is I'm hormonal and want to make sure I'm not tripping. The daughters mother receives 443$ a month on child support, yet every weekend he gets her she has no clothes, shoes raggedy, and the mother works has a decent job making about what I make too. So he goes out and buys her clothes every weekend, 2 pairs 60$ shoes, and uses my diapers I have for my 2 year old cause "we are a team" smh. Well...this time irritates me because one, he doesn't make that much anyways and usually close to the next check he's always asking me for 20 here and there, second he has bought nothing for our son, and most importantly he lives with me and my girls during the week and hasn't contributed to no bills nor groceries. And to make matters worse last night he told my girls it's time for bed (which it was) well on weekends his daughter sleeps between us 🤦🏻‍♀️ and she stays up late as she wants and he just baby's her, mind you my 2 year old is younger than her. Do I have a right to be upset? Then we got into it over Facebook, cause he hasn't even posted he has a son on the way or even we in a relationship so I addressed it and he says he will just delete his Facebook all together save trouble, seems like an easy way out to me. I really need asvice on all these traits I don't want my hormones to make a bad decision my first son and his son have to live with. :(