Depression after miscarriage. Please no hate or judgement

I am young but i know what i want with life. I have depression and I used to cut. My dad died when I was ten and my grandpa tried to kill me. So I also have ptsd. I finally found someone who makes me so happy. He sorta just cured everything. He’s 2 years older. I got pregnant. We had used protection and everything to try and prevent it but it happened and honestly it made me happy because i officially had something to life for. and it was mine and no one could take it away from me. I had gotten the news privately from my obgyn. I was very sad at first, but i came to terms with it. When I found out i was about 5 weeks pregnant. I was very sick every morning and night, so i did guess i was before i was told. my boyfriend did everything in his power to help, to getting me food, to comforting me. but one morning i woke up and i threw up again... but then i went to the restroom and i was bleeding... very heavily. right away i had known it was gone. i bled for about a month because of the miscarriage. now i’m so depressed because i feel like i mess up everything and took an innocent life. i have no one to tell in my family because they would be so upset and mad. and my best friend (she’s great) doesn’t understand. no i’m depressed and i can’t do anything about it.