Advice needed....

Now that I know I can ask questions... Lol.  
So here's my issue.. My husband and I have been married almost two years, been together almost three. I love him dearly! We have most definitely had our ups and downs. I have some depression issues, so it doesn't take much to send my emotions off. (I am in counseling) During some of our really bad times I had a real need to feel wanted, in those low and stupid moments I talked to an old friend. It wasn't about feelings and not loving my husband, it was more about just sexual likes. I have a high sex drive and we were having sex maybe once a month for a long time. He was making me feel guilty about wanting it more. I know what I did was wrong, I am not trying to get out of that at all!!! What is bothering me is that because of that, my husband refuses to do any of things that I like and enjoy sexually because I talked about it with the guy. I'm a bit more adventorous and that is what really turns me on. So now all we do is just the basic. It's really not incredibly enjoyable anymore. I love him, and I do love our intimate time but it's really not the same. 
I guess what I want help with is, how do I get him to reconsider?? Or do I just suck it up because I'm the one who screwed up, and make sure he is happy? If that's the case then I'm okay with that. I just wanted some outside insight..