Ultrasound weight

Franki • 27 - Married - Mommy of 2

Anyone have third trimester ultrasound and the baby be close to the weight estimate they give you? My tech told me at 32 weeks that he was 4 3/4 pounds but it could go 3/4 pound either way. Then at my 35 ultrasound they said 6 pounds 3 oz. I have a scheduled section at 37 + 1. I think he’s going to be a big boy and the measurements they’ve been giving me seem to agree with that 😊


Had another ultrasound at 35 + 6 due to pain and this time he was measuring 8 lbs 8 oz so that just shows there is some discrepancy between technicians and the measurements they can get. But I was told this time he’s measuring about 39 + 3 and his head was about 41 w 😐 but he measured again and it was closer to 39 lol.


He came at 37 + 1 and was 7 lbs 7 oz just so anyone interested had some reference 😊