Patience in a relationship

Before I start this post its not to complain but more so I wanted insight on things. I’ve stated multiple times in here how busy my partner is. He has drill, classes, and he has a few jobs (freelance part time etc) his day usually ends pretty late (after 11pm) and even when he has free time he spends it doing school projects or laundry blah blah

I personally think he keeps busy so he doesn’t have to spend too much time with his thoughts. He says it’s to stay out of trouble but that’s a convo for another day.

His hectic schedule makes it complicated for us to see each other. This month I literally saw him once.

Before you ask, I’m with him because he’s a great genuine guy. He’s very sweet, caring, and he doesn’t hide the fact that he loves me and wants to spend the rest of his life with me. The ONLY complaint I would have about the relationship is his time management. Clearly it sucks because he doesn’t know how to fit me in it.

I’m moving in two weeks about 3 hours away. We agreed to stay together (if we are in the same town and see each other once a month the distance won’t make a different is how I look at it) he says he will come visit me but I’m not getting my hopes up as he barely had ANY free time so how is he supposed to make a trip out of state to spend time with me.

I guess the point of this post is to know if you all ever had to deal with a ridiculously busy partner and if there was ever a point in the relationship where it got better. I’ve decided to stop nagging and asking for time every other day and be patient with him and supportive as it’s less stressful for us both.

Please only positive and supportive advice/comments