Husband Appriciation Post


So as the title says just a little husband shout out. Lol Lord knows he stays on my nerves but I wouldn't want to do life with any one other than him. idk what I'd do without his goofy ass. we don't always see eye to eye but that doesn't change the fact that I love him more than anything in this world. I thank God every night for my husband. I know I'm not the easiest person to love, or get along with, but somehow he manages to love me in a way I've never been loved before and takes care of me. this man right here has shown me what real true love looks like. he's shown me that not all men are the same. not every one leaves when it gets hard. our love perfect? no not by any means. BUT our love is true. and its real. and I know at the end of the day no matter how hard it may be at the time, I can lay my head down at the end of the day knowing I can count on my husband and the love he has for me to always be there whenever I need him. and even when I don't need him to be. ......this man has showed up and stayed when anyone else would have ran....we've been together going on 2 years in October and married one year in September. it may not seem that long. but in today's world 2 years is a very long time. BC ppl now days, stuff gets hard and they just give up and run. when in all reality its not going to be easy. but it damn sure is worth it. I'm so blessed that I can say that my husband is not only my husband but also my best friend. there's nothing like having someone to love who loves you back who is just as weird and goofy if not more than you are. 💙💙🌟 God knows our relationship isn't perfect. its far from it if were being honest. but perfect isn't fun anyways. I love all our little imperfections. ....

sorry for the picture overload💙