Life After Nexplanon (Baby Fever!!!)


I’m due to get my implant out in March next year. I will be 23! And every inch of my womanly body just wants a baby so bad! I keep having dreams of being pregnant, or having my baby in my arms. The crazy thing is everytime I see my baby in my dreams, it’s always a boy with curly dark hair! Looks just like my SO when he was a boy💕

Last night I had a dream that I was meeting my baby for the first time. My family was there and my mom brought me my baby and this time it was a girl! I cried instantly when I saw her! Looked just like me when I was a baby 😀

Then I woke up and was crying in my sleep!!! I was so happy to see her in my dream that I was really crying 😂

Anyway, I’ve talked to my SO about babies and he says he wouldn’t “mind” if we had one now and that’s only by accident. He said he wouldn’t be mad. And of course I said how could you be mad if you’re taking part in sex too 😂you know the risks!

But anyway, how long did it take you to get pregnant after nexplanon?

I’m nowhere near ready: financially and just as a person I feel there are more things my partner and I need to accomplish before we bring someone into this world.

I don’t want a baby because they’re cute, but when I do, I know I’ll experience a new type of love 💖

(Talking about this always makes me tear up)