Slow rise Hcg


I should have stopped after the first test. But I wanted a dark positive ya know? I have a 5 month old so it has been a wave of emotion. Sat the 21 I found out .. I swear I’ve taken 100 test since then. Lol do not recommend retesting after your first positive. Easier said than done RIGHT?! anywho had Hcg on Tuesday 24 and it was 27. Then again Thursday 26 and it was 43. Jump to today Monday the 30 and it’s 127. So in the beginning it went up the minimum required for my office which is 60%. Low.. but still increasing. My lines haven’t gotten darker.. which the lab guy said.. it can take urine up to 7 days to catch up to blood. Did they stop me from testing a million times? Nope. Has anyone else had slow rising Hcg and have a healthy pregnancy?