You broke me..

To my love I walked away from,

I still love you. And I’ll always love you. But I deserve more. I deserve more than the blank stares I got from you when I was pouring my heart out to you. I deserve more than you pushing me away because you didn’t know how to cope with your own feelings. I deserve more than you shutting down every time you wanted to talk to me, because you were too afraid to talk to me. I deserve the 6 years we were together back. I deserve to have married my prince after that time. Instead, we were engaged over 2 of those years and you were still afraid to marry me. I deserve better. I am worth more than you made me feel. Because of you, my confidence plummeted. My self consciousness got worse. You saw me at my worst and still made me feel like crap. Yes, I’m obese. Yes, I have scars from physical sicknesses I had. Yes, I have big body parts and I have jelly arms and legs. But I’m still beautiful. Regardless of what you, your family and your friends say about me.

Your friends will no longer come between me and you. Your sister’s hatred towards me will no longer come between me and you anymore. Your mom’s resentment towards me will not come between us anymore. Because I’m done. And I deserve more.

Yet, I still love you. But I walked away from you because I love myself more.