desperate and depressed


I have dealt with pcos since 2007 and now in the last few months I was told I have no cysts in or on my ovaries but I have fibroids in my uterus. my husband and I have been trying for over a year now to have our last child before I get the doctors to just take the whole system out because the daily pain is becoming more unbearable. last month was the first time my ovulation tests actually registered that I was ovulating but I guess it still wasnt enough. I dont know what to do. I take prenatal and am trying not to stress on it but I am going to be 35 and do have a few health issues. I have 2 girls from a previous marriage and we have a daughter all we want is one more child. I'm at the point ive been looking at fertility boosting pills on Amazon and researching homeopathic remedies. I feel alone in this because all my friends are younger and fixed. any advice or input or even just someone to connect with would be Awsome.