I’m pregnant and he wants to “take care” of it

And no not as in, be the father the baby needs but, as in have an abortion. I’m very liberal but that word has always scared the shit out of me. We both still live at home, and no we don’t have careers. But we come from good families and I almost have my degree. He views it as it setback. Every time he opens his mouth, I’m offended at how careless he sounds. It’s one thing to talk financials, quite another to shoot the whole thing down and assume “we were on the same page”. It’s really confusing and exhausting and i don’t feel hopeful at all after I talk to him, unlike how it is when I speak to literally anybody else. Spelling it all out like this really makes him out to sound like a bad guy, I’m sure. And I’m not defending him, but I’m sure he’s scared. The only thing we can agree is that we never see eye to eye, now this. How do I talk to this man....