They aren’t going to do anything


My brothers girlfriend was abused by her dad a few weeks ago. He had abused her repeatedly as a child too. My mom went to a lawyer and tried to get something done, she spent $2K... She just found out today that they are going to try and get a protection from abuse order but that’s it. The order isn’t even a guarantee, they probably won’t be able to get it.

This guy threatened to kill my brother, he sexually abused this girl AGAIN, and they refuse to do anything. I don’t even like the girl but my heart breaks for her and it makes me so angry.

THIS is why we don’t come forward. Men are allowed to abuse us and nothing gets done. They have too much power over our bodies and it’s continually getting worse. This whole thing just validated why I never came forward when I was drugged gang raped in that town. We need to stand together and make change for ourselves, because god knows no one else will do it for or with us.

This is not okay.