That b*tch named Aunt Flow


Yet again, another great cycle where everything happened when it should’ve. I had my period on time last month. I took ovulation tests every day, twice a day, this cycle and my ovulation peek was exact dead on with the glow calendar. We had sex several times during our peak days. I had symptoms this past 5-6 days of pregnancy and BOY WAS I CONVINCED..

I was peeing 24/7. My boobs were so sore. I was so tired that I could barely function, and was feeling nauseous at random points. I was convinced. I took a test every day this week, HOPING to see a second line, and I never got one.

Why you ask? Because that bitch named Aunt Flow showed up this morning.

Why is she a bitch you ask? Because all I’ve ever wanted is a baby. I grew up pretending my baby dolls were real. Then I finally met the love of my life and married him. He’s amazing and wonderful and so ready to be a daddy. We talk about it 24/7. So why doesn’t the bitch get the point? I’m TTC, we want a baby, we are trying so hard to have one, yet she’s here playing her damn games. I got my period when I was 12 years old. I can count on 1 hand at how many of those said periods actually came with symptoms. I never get cramps or headaches or even bleed heavy.

All of these symptoms HAD TO BE PREGNANCY.

But it wasn’t.

Wanna know why?

Because Aunt Flow is an ungrateful and shitty bitch.

Please excuse me while I cry to my husband for the next month or so.
