Trying to decide...

Ash • 🩷🩵🩵🩵

VBAC or repeat C-Section... my daughter just turned 2 so I have had plenty of healing time. She was breeched and I was not progressing at all and Dr recommend C Section because the chances of successful vaginal birth were very low. I am 10 + 5 so I have plenty of time but my husband told me a repeat C Section would be best because he would be able to ask off work ahead of time. This really upset me and I told him it was NOT up to him and what would be convenient. I need help... when would I know if I can have a VBAC? My OB said I have plenty of time to decide and that was pretty much the whole conversation at my 8 week appointment. I don’t know what to do.

After my C Section I had a very difficult time healing and the mental aspect of being a failure. Idk if I can do that again. 😔