Baby carrier?


For my daughter, I’d been gifted an Ergo Baby and a Boba Wrap. I found the ergo tight and dug in, and the Boba was just so difficult to put on I rarely used it.

Pregnant again and looking for something else. I’m not exactly a hiker (hahahahaha) I just want something I can put on quickly if I want to carry baby around the house with me- I had really bad carpal tunnel and had surgery to “fix” it but my wrists are still really weak.

I was looking at either the baby k’tan or a ring sling. I also saw a new softer one by infantino that looked interesting. I’m a 20-24 depending on the store. Pre-pregnancy weight of 260, height 5’2”.

Thank you for any recommendations!

This is the infantino one I was talking about: