In shock!


About 2 weeks ago I injured myself while exercising. Turns out I torn my ACL and need surgery. Today I had my pre op physical with my primary care provider. I had all the works done (labs and urine). Turns out, I’m pregnant!! I am in shock. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for a few months now. When I injured myself and found out I needed surgery, we decided to stop trying. Maybe we would try again in a few month. Well, the “trying” was successful.

I was kind of suspicious the past few days. My period is never late. Currently 4 days late. I just had that feeling but kept denying it. No more denying!! I even bought some store pregnancy tests after work tonight. Still positive lol.

Now lots of questions need to be answered. Unsure if I can still have the surgery. There will be lots of phone calls to physicians tomorrow.