50th Negative OPK

I need a little uplifting today.

My husband and I have been trying since January and I’ve had irregular periods and no ovulation the whole time.

I thought we fixed it March-June when we found out I have hypothyroidism and I started taking synthroid, which was supposed to make it easier to lose weight and also help me start ovulating, but now coming in to August I still have yet to EVER get a positive OPK and I’m at my highest weight of my life (while trying to lose).

50. 50 negative OPKs. And several negative HCGs too, but it’s so hard for me to even get my hopes up for positive pregnancies when I know I never ovulated that month. And no PCOS!

I’ve tried eating healthier, taking prenatal, walking and diet to lose weight (still proven difficult), tracking temps, monitoring cm... nothing adds up for me. Everything is so sporadic! I feel like I’m an expert at what SHOULD be happening but I never see that occur.

Doc said to try naturally for 3 months and come back in September and we would look at fertility options. I’m so bummed about it but trying to focus on other things. It’s not even like I will have had 3 periods by then because I’m still so irregular.

Had a 1 day period at the end of May and a regular-ish period in mid July, with an extra 4 days of heavy spotting about 6 days after the period was gone. If I’m estimating correctly, I’ll probably start my period in Sept because most of my non-ovulating cycles have been 60+ days.

Just feeling hopeless and needing a little encouragement.

TLDR::: been trying since Jan and have had 50 negative OPKs and irregular periods. Feeling pretty crappy today.