Gave birth at 38+5 she would still be in my belly!


On July 25th I was 38 weeks and 5 days. I woke up around 4:30 am with mild cramps and when I went to pee minor bleeding. I had an appointment with my obstetrician at 11:45 so I figured I could wait until then, at the appointment my blood pressure was a little high and the dr said if I’m 4 cm then we would talk about getting my water broke, well I was 4 cm dilated and 85% effaced he suggested that we go to the hospital at 2:30 to have my water broken, I continued to have cramps but not to the point where I thought anything would happen any time soon. We got to the hospital and they put me on a monitor no one checked to see if there had been any progress but at about 3:30 the dr came in and told me he was just going to wait a few more hours to break my water. I was admitted into a room went out to get my bags and by the time I got back the contractions started to get more noticeable around 3:50 they became unbearable so my mom went to tell the nurses I was ready for an epidural, they said they’d be right there at 4 my water broke on it own agin my mom went to tell the nurses they cheered and again said they’d be right there by the time my mom got back to my room I felt like I was going to puke she went back and told them I needed gravol as well as the pain medication again they said they’d be right there. At this point I felt like I needed to push the nurses heard me saying that and came right away, they told me once the contraction was finished they needed to take my pants off and examine, when they did that they realized I was 9 cm dilated told me I couldn’t push yet and that it was too late for an epidural. The dr came right away and at that point I was 10 com and ready to push I was offered fentanyl but it took them 10 minutes to find a vein to put the iv when they finally found one it took the edge right off and at 5:00pm I had Isabelle in my arms. I can’t believe how well my first birth went I didn’t need stitches and I’m very lucky it went fast although also scary because I wouldn’t have made it to the hospital if I wasn’t there already Isabelle was born very healthy and was 6 pounds 8 ounces and 17.5 inches. I’m so in love