Abbreviations and Acronyms


Hello Glow Friends!

When I downloaded the app, I was SO CONFUSED about all the acronyms and abbreviations. Now I still see some ladies asking “what does_____ mean?”

So I thought it would be nice to help our newbies (including myself) get hip to the game.. Lol!

TTC stands for “Trying To Conceive"

AF stands for Aunt Flo: Represents your period or menstruation cycle

BBT stands for Basal Body Temperature: The recording of your lowest body temperature. It is usually taken after waking to predict when you will ovulate. There is a slight increase in your basal body temperature during ovulation.

BD stands for Baby Dance: Refers to a couple who is trying to conceive; it is also another term for sex.

BFN stands for Big Fat Negative: A “not pregnant” result on a pregnancy test.

BFP stands for Big Fat Positive: A “pregnancy” result on a pregnancy test. Your conception journey has officially begun!

BT stands for Blood Test: A pregnancy blood test that measures the amount of pregnancy hormones in a woman’s bloodstream.

CD stands for Cycle Day: Your first cycle day begins on the first day of your period. 

CF stands for Cervical Fluid: Cervical Fluid (also referred to as cervical mucus) is a key factor to help indicate fertility. Your mucus is generally dry, thick, and sticky at the end of your period cycle, and then transforms to wet and thin during ovulation.

CM stands for Cervical Mucus: Cervical Mucus (also referred to as cervical fluid) is produced during your cycle. Your mucus increases in amount and consistency throughout your cycle. It is the most fertile when it is clear and stretchy.

EDD stands for Estimated Delivery Date: This represents your baby’s due date, which is determined from an ultrasound.

TWW or 2ww - Is the two week wait

DPO- Days past ovulation

VVFL- Very Very Faint Line

FMU-First morning urine.

hCG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (pregnancy hormone)

HPT: Home Pregnancy Test

OPK = Ovulation Predictor Kit

LH- Luteinizing Hormone means a rise (surge) of LH triggers ovulation (time to BD) ☺️