Help! I’m stressing over this. Need your eyes.


Hi ladies!

I need your help! Here’s the sitch:

My gf and I are trying to get pregnant. We did a home insemination July 13th and thus commenced the TWW, aka two weeks of googling if everything from ashy elbows to gaining 1lb is an indication of pregnancy, only to have google tell me, “Girl, stop. Go put on some lotion and lay off the ice cream.

Normally my lady days are 7 days of hell in a hand basket. It’s agonizing. Like parting the Red Sea with a teaspoon. About 5 nights ago, right on the day my period was due, I started spotting like one does at the beginning of the lady days, so naturally I packed on diaper-like preparations and went to sleep, disappointed the insemination didn’t work.

Next morning, there was not as much bleeding as I expected but I figured it would get heavier as the day wore on. I popped some ibuprofen like armour shielding me from the doubtless onslaught of bullets disguised as period cramps. The day wore on. I soaked a regular and then logically moved on to a super. But hours and hours later the super was still not full, which okay. Maybe a fluke? Usually it would have been like a massacre in my pants and I’d be in so much pain that I’d be hobbling around like Tiny Tim. All while my lady days strutted around, sadistically playing Scrooge with a heavy dose of medieval psycopathic executioner...of my cervix. But none of that came this time. After those first four ibuprofen I didn’t take anymore and the pain never came. Weird? Yes. But there’s more...

The next morning I woke up (again, after preparing for war) and the enemy’s army was light. Not as little as spotting, but just light. Throughout that day I used one pad and it barely got anything on it, so I went to the bathroom and I was back to spotting, but it was pink. Finally, over the last two days, I’ve been stuck in spotting mode. Mostly brown or pink, but once or twice it was red.

The way I see it, I’ve got three choices. I’m either: 1) having an early miscarriage 2) have been blessed by the gods with a short, cramp-free period or 3) pregnant

I’ve been taking pregnancy tests every day for the past two weeks like clockwork, and they’ve all come back negative...until this:

So I need your help. Your eyes. Am I pregnant? Is that a vvvvvvvvvfl I see? Am I hallucinating? I took two kinds of tests this morning and one f them was negative for sure. But then this one I had to stop and do a double-take.

Here are more photos of it:

Please let me know if you see anything.