Abortion at 22 weeks?

Does anyone have any experience of later term abortion?

I am 31 and already have 4 children and do not want any more. My youngest is 10 months and my eldest is only 7, I have my hands full enough as I’m a single parent coming out of an extremely toxic and abusive relationship with the father of all 5. He has social services (we’re in the U.K.) involved with him because of his treatment of myself and our children. He isn’t allowed to be alone with us.

The father is adamant I keep the baby but I feel it is yet another attempt to control me, I have considered adoption but I know he wouldn’t consent when the time came. I have made the decision to abort over and over again but he threatens me and I back out most recently that he will kill me and then himself. I feel so so much guilt about the whole situation but I am very quickly running out of time.

Nobody other than the father and professionals know I’m pregnant and I don’t have a lot of support so I already feel stretched thinner than I think is fair on the 4 children I already have. Are these selfish reasons to have an abortion so late on into a pregnancy?

Update: Unfortunately I went for an abortion consultation appointment today and I cannot have an abortion due to having had a c section 10months ago and there is a risk of rupturing my scar. I could travel to London for an abortion but the surgeon can’t fit me before the cut off point. I don’t know how to feel as the decision has been taken out of my hands and now have to find a way to tell my mum who has never had a positive reaction to any of my pregnancies. Thank you for the supportive comments but it looks like I found my courage too late.