Early symptoms?!

Amanda • 30/ 🇨🇦 / Baby Girl born 08/29/19

I had an ectopic pregnancy and passed tissue on May 9th when I was in my 6th week. After weeks of waiting for my hcg to return to normal I finally got my period again on July 10th and it was my usual 4 days.

My husband and I were going to start trying again right away, but then a week before I was hypothetically supposed to ovulate (July 27, I don’t know for sure as it’s my first cycle after my ectopic) we decided to wait until next year as we’re starting to build a home and thought it would be too hectic to have a new born the same month we would be moving.

The last few days I’ve had bad headaches and migraines with some dizziness and feeling a bit sick, and 2 days ago I had a small pulling feeling. Which is exactly how I felt last time and what prompted me to take a test.

Is it possible I could be pregnant again? I feel it’s way too early to take a test as my period isn’t even due for another 8 days. Or could it be my head messing with me?! I don’t know if me not being sure of my cycle had my days messed up or what.